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A mission to restore broken lives, resource the church,
and replicate biblical soul care

Marktplatz Bremen


We have always known that we were called to go to serve our Lord Jesus Christ. It took some time for us to understand where God was leading us. For several years now God has made it pretty clear that he called us to serve in the area of soul care. God has stretched, grown, and equipped us for this kind of ministry. He has always been faithful to provide all our needs. We are excited about the future and believe God has put it on our hearts to move to Germany to serve there as a family. 

There are three particular areas that we are focusing on:

1) RESTORE - caring deeply for the hurting around us and giving them encouragement and hope through the gospel of Jesus Christ; a key long-term goal will be the ability to provide intensive counseling retreats.

2) RESOURCE - providing creative and practical materials for churches; raise up biblical counselors,
and advocates* for counselees.

3) REPLICATE - multiplying winsome, practical biblical counseling in the church

to strengthen the church's efforts to disciple and care for souls.

Colossians 1:28 captures well the heart of what we are after in serving the Lord in Germany:
"Him [Jesus] we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."

This page will provide updates and information of our journey and a place for you to partner with us.

* Advocates are friends of the counselees who attend counseling sessions and
meet with them outside of these sessions to encourage, pray with, and challenge them.

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